Friday, January 8, 2010

Fix Xbox 360 No Video Errors

While most gamers are quite aware of the "red ring of death" problem that affects about one in three Xbox 360 console, and also less common, but still problematic e74 error, Xbox 360 no video problem is much more rarely discussed. This is much more difficult to obtain advice, assistance, and to fix the problem.

In this article you will learn what is causing the problem, and how you can try to solve the Xbox 360 no video errors and get back to playing your favorite games once again. You do not need to buy all new Xbox 360 console, you do not have to spend large sums of money to pay someone else to carry out repairs for you.

Basically, the Xbox 360 no video problem is caused by a failure in the graphics processor on the system console, when the graphics processor fails, your console can not display video. This is caused by excess levels of heat causing "X" clamp on the back of the motherboard that will come loose, causing the relationship between the motherboard and graphics processor unit (GPU) to come loose. Actual cause of the problem is not complicated, and it is definitely a problem repaired as well.

Basically, in order to fix your Xbox 360 you must open your console, remove the motherboard, and tighten it back to "X" brace in the back of the motherboard so that the GPU is connected to the right again. You will need a little concerned with this process to avoid any damage, so even though it sounds simple enough it will take you about an hour to fix your Xbox 360.

To make the process as easy as possible is highly advisable that you invest in the Xbox 360 repair guide, this one will show you the steps you need to take to be correct there are no errors on your Xbox 360 video in more detail. You may feel a bit hard to preform surgery Xbox 360 without one, unless you have special knowledge of electronics.

You should look for the Xbox 360 repair guide that offers video repair instructions, because it's like having someone right in front of you, walk you through the process you need to follow to fix your console. You can not buy a repair manual without step-by-step video, such as written instructions are not just good enough.

Do not waste your time seeing the low quality improvement guidelines, click the link below to learn more about how to fix Xbox 360 no video error with one of the best repair guide available. Get a big discount, as well as improving video quality is very good instruction.

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