Friday, January 8, 2010


In 1980 the little known by the name of the distributor Midway released a game destined to become one of the greatest arcade classics of all time. Developed by Namco, Pacman is a maze game where a player navigates Pac-man, yellow figures, through a maze eating pills and avoiding ghosts.

Pacman has undeniably had a significant impact on the video game industry. Until Pacman, video games were almost exclusively "Space Shooters" - a game where a player controls a space craft that had shot something. Pacman was the first game to come out of the model and be very successful. Since then, video games have a fairly diversified and growing into new areas and creative.

Pacman's name comes from a Japanese phrase loosely translated into Pakupaku "he ate". This game originally released under the name of Puck Man in Japan, but when the game was picked up by Midway will be released in the United States whose name was changed to Pacman because of fear of vandalism that may be caused by the Americans in the arcade and will include scratching P to F in a Japanese "Puck Man".

The first known "Pacman perfect game", in which a player must complete all 255 levels, collecting all the bonuses and never captured by the ghost, played by Billy Mitchell in 1999. Billy set the record at the local arcade in New Hampshire while using strategies to improvise all 6 hours of playing games and do not use repeating patterns or tactics.

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