Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tom Clancy’s Air Combat

Tom Clancy seems intent on conquering the videogame realm, piece by piece. First he annexed a small subgenre, the submarine sim, with Red Storm Rising, and then he gradually expanded his domain, taking more genres under his command: Shadow War took turn based strategy, Splinter Cell took the stealthy sneak’em up, Ghost Recon took tactical shooters, and Rainbow Six took first person shooters. Now his domination is almost complete and he will soon have conquered the world, in Endwar. Only the skies remain free. We hope to get any helicopter game from Tom Clancy in future.
Not for long, though, as Clancy has ordered the ranks of his Romanian developers to mobile. Clancy believes that the nation-state is doomed and that as war fare develops the countries of the world will come to employ mercenaries rather than professional standing armies. With private armies come private military airforces such as Firehawk, which is where Air Combat comes in.
You get to fly over 60 futuristic and contemporary plans including the F-I5E Strike Eagle and Rafale, subduing your enemies with a Cobra or kulbit (a complicated Russian air maneuver). The action takes place in a variety of near future environments and the focus is definitely on realism. Look at the cover and you will see the familiar Ghost Recon Advanced WarFighter HUD has made an appearance and then you will be working alongside the Ghosts from GRAW.

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Thrillville: Off The Rails

It’s not an argument Thrillville seems interested in putting to bed, either. But what it does do is prove that ‘too kiddy’ isn’t always a bad thing. For a game where you have to build theme parks, it’s easy to grasp, which is both its main strength and its main weakness. There’s never a feeling of ‘oh no’ and slinking behind your sofa in fear when confronted with a new plot of land to fill with rides and stalls.
Everything is simple to set up and tweak, so it’s not long before you’re fleecing eager punters near the entrance with overpriced balloons, hiring cheerleaders to dance and setting up a hot dog stand right next to your nausea including rollercoaster. Just for kicks. Yet it’s also too easy, which is where the ‘too kiddy’ tag becomes detrimental to Thrillville and its really a very fun game. There’s not much subtlety involved beyond building, building and more building.
Often, when the groundwork is done, you just sit on your pot of gold as money accumulates beneath your bum. While Thrillville offers plenty of options to distract you from being idle, letting you take part in your rides or even flirt with your customers, you’d rather be doing something a little more worthwhile with your time. it doesn’t have the spinning plates chaos of its genre stablemates, which both makes it more relaxing to play but also some shallow.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Skate 3

The changes that have been made to Skate in this latest iteration may not be all that obvious, but that doesn’t mean they are not significant. Since Skate hit the Xbox 360 back in 2007 it has redefined what we think of as a skateboarding fun games and forced Activision’s Tony Hawk franchise to completely re-evaluate its stance. However, the core gameplay was so solid from the start Skate is not a series that requires or would even suit yearly sequels, and that means something significant needs to be added each time to justify an expansion of the series.
This time out, the focus is being brought to bear on multiplayer gaming rather than any new tricks in the repertoire. There are a couple of new tricks, but nothing game changing. What Black Box and EA have focused on is trying to harness the power and inventiveness of the online community like never before. This is being done by introducing a collection of team based challenges for online plat that test your abilities as well as reward individual skill, and we can say from first hand experience that they are a lot of fun coming in this game from the start.

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Mercenaries 2: World In Flames

Revenge is a dish best served right getting shot in the arse. Or at least is in Mercenaries 2: World In Flames, the EA published sequel to Pandemic’s Xbox title Mercenaries: Playground Of Destruction. But this time, Mercenaries 2 looks set to live up to its predecessor’s subtitle, with plenty of over the top and, at times, truly insane set pieces. And the majority of these seem to involve you, standing right in the middle of a city environment or similar, rocket launcher aimed at everything around you. You see, like Playground Of Destruction, Mercenaries 2 is about the sheer destruction delight of wiping all manner of establishments right off the face of map and play some of the mini helicopter game.
As EA told us during a hands on event, if it’s in the game, you can blow it up. Naturally, we tested that claim. We blew the absolute crap out of everything within our sight and, sure enough, it all fell. Sure, some terrain and structure are there to stay and can’t be blown up, but everything else can be, even locations tied to the game’s story which then respawn when you are far away from them. Speaking of the story, it’s something pandemic is really pushing in World In Flames. This is unlike the first game, where you really had no idea who the hell the actual villain was, even when you were half way through the list of people who needed to be killed.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Super Street Fighter IV

Well, the original Street Fighter IV was pretty super to start with, but this enhanced version comes with at least eight additional characters and various other tweaks that make the game more fun and even more super. Capcom swears on scout honor that the additional content could not have been DLC, as there’s just too much to it, but has admitted that much of the game will be old news and is promising at suitable price. We think $50 would be suitable.
So far, that would be Juri, who is the only all new character to have been revealed. She’s is the first Korean Street Fighter character, and the first to practice Taekwondo, although you could argue that some other Street Fighter characters incorporate Taekwondo techniques into their styles. Juri have fire balls, but they are pink and they come out of her feet. She can also perform grab moved with her feet.
Taekwondo despite that fact that its name roughly translated means the way to strike with foot and fist is more about leg techniques than punching. So far T.Hawk and Dee Jay have been revealed, which is fitting seeing as they both debuted in Super Street Fighter II. T.Hawk is a big Native American warrior and Dee Jay is a Jamaican kick boxer. The crummy story animations from SFIV are being redone. Capcom is adding new online features to enables gamers to play as groups too.

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Enslaved is the latest game from Ninja Theory, the devs behind painfully average actioner Heavenly Sword. Wait, come back! The one beacon of light in Ninja Theory’s last effort was Any Serkis. As well as voice acting and mocapping king Bohan, the game’s bad guy, he also directed the cut scenes and had a hand in writing the story. The game is full of fun adventure, and excitement gameplay.
Serkis has had a similar hands-on role for Enslaved. He voices and mo-caps a wandering loner called Monkey, in a story loosely based on ancient Chinese novel Journey to the West, as we are pretty sure that didn’t take place in a post apocalyptic wasteland where the last remains of the Human race fight for survival in world over run by robots.
This time the story’s written by Alex Garland, who planned The Beach and 28 Days Later. And it goes a little something like this… After a girl named Trip sticks a headband on you designed to crush your skull if you don’t obey her orders, you have to help her get home. We don’t know where ‘home’ is, but art shows a ruined New York reclaimed by Plant Life.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dragon Ball Z: Raging Blast

If you are a follower of the Dragon Ball Z animated series then perhaps some of this makes sense to you, but considering that this supposed to be a beat em up, it really doesn’t make things easy for you. Firstly, this is unlike any fighting series in existence, and while previous entries have put in a good show up until now, particularly on the PSP it’s failed to change and has managed to develop a host of problems. Fighting in Raging Blast is a lesson in frustration.

From the lightweight tactics to the truly awful camera, it’s a game that makes very few concessions for its players. On the plus side, it nails the look of the TV series and the cel shaded visuals look impressive, especially when you manage to pull off a special move send your opponent through some of the destructive scenery. The arenas offer up plenty of room for the fast paced combat, but raging Blast has a learning curve so steep that it’s enough to put off any fighting fan. Combat quickly descends into nothing more than a flurry of quick attacks, and the subtlely of something like a Street Fighter or Soul Calibur is totally lost.

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Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Neither of the Lego Star Wars games deserved to sell as many copies as they have done, but we have cheerful at the thought of a half decent Star Wars series receiving such excessive success. Well, we are not that cynical about it, really: we get to play as Chewbacca, only made out of Lego bricks. What isn’t amazing about that? This is Star Wars, and no matter how basic or short the first two games seemed, they were a bloody good laugh. In gaming, there’s rarely of substitute for such a frivolous state of mind, but the asking price could end up being rather too high for two rather short easy games.

For fans that were still gnawing hungrily after the second game concluded, there are a number of notable things that you will want to come back for on the PS3. Ever wanted to play the Zam Wesell chase at the beginning of Episode II? Well, you will get your wish in this compilation, even though it was a bit rude to omit it in the first place. An online co-op mode adds more worth to the package as well, along with ten extra Bounty Hunter levels and redesigns on some of the weaker vehicle (the dreadful Mos Espa Podrace included).

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fairytale Fights

Fairytales are just a little bit twisted. Whether we are talking about Snow White or Little Red Riding Hood, they are essentially high concept morality tales that inevitably end with someone either getting screwed over, killed or, despite some pretty nasty turn of events, living happily ever after. Fairytale Fights sends up these bizarre fictional scenarios with a premise as off center as the source material, situating the players in levels where denizens of these fictional universes get sliced up for the hell of it.

To exemplify the kind of context that Fairytale Fights takes place in, the game’s hub world, a seemingly nice, innocent place, has a man cutting up rabbits with no explanation. The game’s similarly horror skewed levels are themed around classic fairytales. Take the Hanzel and Gretel level, for example: as it progresses, players will notice fat children eating the surroundings. They can be decapitated with giant sharpened lollipops, which make us smile.

The gameplay is a slide scrolling platform based affair; think somewhere between Lego Star Wars and Castle Crashers, but with an emphasis on violence- but naturally, violence fulfils a major purpose, too. There’s a dynamic slicing attack where the analogue stick can be wiggled around to slash through enemies, causing them to fall apart.

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Dead TO Rights: Retribution

The first three Dead To Rights titles were forgettable at best, so we weren’t exactly looking forward to the latest in the series, Retribution. It comes as a great relief, then, that on playing the game- which is a reboot, for want of a better description, we can see it has something going for it. It isn’t a world beater, but it could easily occupy the same territory as games like 50 cent: Blood On The Sand. A laugh. A muck about. A game. We went from not really caring to actually looking forward to this one, if only a bit, in a very short space of time.

Players control ‘cop on the edge’ Jack Slate as he travels through Grant City with his trusty K-9 hound Shadow and his pocket full of bullet-time, trying to unravel a web of corruption, deceit and other such naughtiness you’d expect from an action game/movie. While the game goes out of its way to show you it has noir influences on top of the standard bombastic action, it’s all still pretty much ignorable. The meat of the game comes through the combat, which is frantic, simple to control and over the top enough to be great fun.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tony Hawk Ride

EA’s critically lauded, intuitive yet hardcore, Skate hasn’t yet published the faltering tony Hawk series back to drawing board, but into the Uncanny Valley, or rather, its plastic peripheral equivalent. This board controller feels like a skateboard, with impressively accurate responses, but for anyone with a modicum of skateboard experience, the controls are so almost, but not quite, similar to real life, that you brain initially knee-jerks into disgusted, self preserving rejection.

Want to Ollie? Lean back reasonably sharply n the tail i.e. a bit like real life, except without actual jumping, or physics, balancing forward motion. Kickfilps? Do an Ollie and (standing regular) nudge your front foot to the left? Again, notionally like real life, but contrary to everything your body wants to do to achieve the real-life motion. Grabs? Move your hand near the area you want, but don’t actually grab, it. The quasi-reality is dislocating and demands practice.

Hawk’s free roaming levels have been (largely) replaced by narrow corridors, played in timed bursts some focus on speed, others on tricks. The linear helps you nail the core controls, but we’re more intrigued by the more open and expressive free skate arenas. Visually, it’s bright, slightly childish and basic, like a posh TH: Downhill Jam on Wii.

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NBA 2k10

What with EA upping their games with Live 10, the contest for king of the Hoops is much closer this year. For us, 2K10 just edges it, despite feeling a little rough and ready next to its rival. Why? It’s down to feel, this game is just better to play.

On court, the controls are less fiddly, and the animations seem to get together better than those in Live 10, giving a more responsive feel. Shooting seems natural, and regardless of whether you think the opposition should really be draining baskets with two of your men draped all over them, every time you shoot, the result is realistic. You can’t expect a little more man like Rondo to a sink a shot from outside the D with pretty much anyone man making him. Kevin Garnett, on the other hand….

Where 2k10 lets itself down, however, is in the Al decision making. It just isn’t that smart. We saw man desperately reaching for interceptions with two seconds left on the shot clock, leaving their man wide open for easy shots. We also watched as the opposition casually threw the ball in bounds and handed us a back court violation. Shouldn’t these issues have been sorted by now?

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Crash of The Titans

You may notice that, in the hallowed pages of most games sites, we journos don’t often get a chance to review kid’s games before they are released. This isn’t due to a reticence on our part, as we are keen to tell you if anything’s crap. It’s more that the publishers think that the game won’t get a fair hearing, because, we bring grown-ups, won’t understand what appeals to kids.

Well, they are wrong. We understand what they like, as we’re big kids too, we just think that most games made for children are cheaply and badly made. A kid’s game needs a highly variable level of difficulty, bright distinct colors, and tremendous reply value (it helps if it’s non violent and non sexual as well). It doesn’t have to below-res, and it doesn’t have to crippled by cross platform development but it doesn’t have to be stupid and cheap either.

Crash Bandicoot is a kid’s game, but it’s not cheap. It’s bright, it has simple stupid plot and daft character design (Crash now has tattoos, because tattoos are Cool) plus the usual agglomeration of kid’s game elements, collectables, unlockables, mini games, that encourage replay. You control Crash through a platform landscape where he beats up a variety of increasingly large baddies to save his island. Yawn.

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Naruto: Rise of A Ninja

Young Naruto is a trainee ninja. He’s got a Nine Tailed Fox (Japan’s mythological spirit) bound inside his body whether that contributes to his pathological exuberance or not is in question, but his raucous behavior has earned him enmity of every single person in his home village. Following the plot of the mage and the cartoon series, Naruto gradually wins over his teachers, classmates and fellow villagers by undertaking dangerous missions and solving town problems. Its classic RPG mixed with a beat’em up, and you don’t need to know anything about the plot to pick up the game.

What you will need noticed straight away, however, is the beautifully rendered cell-shaded world. Beneath it all inst the most powerful engine, but the style isn’t just perfectly thought through. The roaming world and gradually unlocking travel and special powers make the game feel like the classic Jet Set Radio Crackdown, as you gleefully leap from rooftop to rooftop.

Everything about the game is easy to learn and it never feels like the game is holding your hand, even if it’s a touch easy. When the plot requires combat, you drop into arenas, where you can use your combos to setup Justu (Super Special Move) opportunities; if you fail, Naruto can call on his good memories to help him recover. The rich plot and endearing world means that Naruto leaves you waiting to know more about the cartoons series.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII

There have been games that have taken much longer than Final Fantasy XIII to come out, but rarely, if ever, has a game taken this long without some sort of period in development limbo caused by financial or political maneuvering. The Final fantasy XIII did, admittedly start life as a Playstation 2 game, but that was in 2002. It’s been nearly seven years! And during that time work hasn’t stopped. Square Enix has been working away, making what could be its most spectacularly decadent project yet. We suppose the fact that the end result is going to be incredible is some compensation for the wait, but we have been sitting here hoping and begging for morsels of new information on it for so long that it’s starting to get a little embarrassing. Still, it won’t be long now.

Oerba Yun Fang. No, we’re not just mashing random letters on the keyboard, that’s the name of the FFXIII’s newly revealed sexy lady character and by Final Fantasy standards; her name isn’t really all that silly. The most interesting thing about Fang is that she started off as a man. Not in the same way as Alexis Arquetta or Nadia from Big Brother 5. No more in the same way as Lara Croft. The original character design was male, but was changed because the character team at Square Enix wanted to make Fang a sexy character. Haven’t heard of sexy man? Guess not. Anyway, they made Fang so sexy that they ended up toning down lightning’s sex appeal to differentiate between the two more.

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Guinea Pig secret agents, G-Force is the latest in a long line of ridiculous Disney creation films that turn relatively useless households pets into something high concept for the amusement of stupid children. The game is in 3D, like the film, but don’t orgasm in excitement: this is basic, Eighties two color, obnoxiously expensive Avatar stuff that James Cameron is messing around with.

Aside from causing a headache after about 30 minutes, it’s okay. Take the packed in glass away however, and G-Force is a fairly humdrum mix of imprecise platforming and mundane puzzles. The guinea pigs in this universe are apparently armed with electric whips, meaning it plays like Daxter on PSP. While G-Force is a little tedious, however, we admit that children of discount IQ will tolerate it better than us sweaty, miserable adults.

This isn’t to suggest that just because it’s children’s videogame we forgive G-Force for being pedestrian, though, Children can play far better stuff than this if they want to, Banjo Kazooie , for example, or Viva Pinata. For those poor, anti cynical children who have yet to discover the true emotional horrors of adult life, however, somehow finding happiness in a guinea pig voiced by Made director Jon Favreau, we wish them well in their 3D platform endeavors.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Shadow Complex

Before we critique Shadow Complex, a world of clarification; when we receive access to a game, that we just have to get in, magically, it jumps from the Live Arcade section and gets its very own unique style of gameplay. Falling somewhere between Contra and Metroid, Shadow Complex takes the action platform mould and majestically balances the two. Following Jason Fleming as he tries to save his girlfriend, Claire, the plot is deliberately over the top with the action hammed right up, and naturally it’s much better for it. The true, genius, however, lies in how well the title paced. Evert aspect, from taking out enemies to hiking up the slide of a cliff, is ridiculously satisfying. On the top of this, Shadow Complex, challenges you to try and find everything in its massive map. At times it will even tell you what you have missed.

Shadow Complex is also a surprisingly intense experience. Just a single run through on the Normal difficulty will keep you occupied for a fair while if you are attempting to locate every last nook and cranny. Increasing the complexity shifts expectations. Boss fights go from enjoyable distractions to genuine challenges, often asking you to completely rethink your approach. For an Xbox Live Arcade title, Shadow Complex puts a lot f its rival to shame.

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Medal of Honor Airborne

The online shooter. Perhaps the oldest and most revered of all internal games. PCs have been dominant for years, with the classic twitch of Quake III Arena and Unreal Tournament still drawing in huge crowds years after their release. Medal of Honor Airborne is a fairly standard but extremely well executed affair. Electronic Art’s servers are strong enough to cope with any deathmatch permutation and the inclusion of airborne drops upon respawning makes for a slightly more considered, tactical affair then most. As with the single player game, shooting, movement and combat are smooth and satisfying, nailing a long distance rile shot or a panicked grenade is particularly enjoyable. But one niggle remains: Medal of Honor Airborne isn’t treading any new ground.

With Halo 3 just around the corner, Airborne’s community is set to shrink rapidly over the coming weeks, so if you are looking for a quieter, friendlier place to do battle, then here’s a good place to start. With great map design, crisp visuals atmospheric sound, Airborne is a solid addition to the ranks of Live deathmatches, but when Chief arrives, he is going to take most of its players. Still, this is another high quality product for EA, both online and off. The company has made a u-turn this year. Once synonymous with greed now almost exclusively associated with quality.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

SmackDown vs Raw 2010

Eleven games on and you’d think that this perennial series that takes silly showmanship seriously would have hit terminal velocity by now, and in way it has. If you had issue with the lumpy wadding of the wrestlers, then that feeling will remain, and if you find waiting for a promote to tell you a reversal on a grapple and then in turn waiting for the other player to follow suit repetitive, then expect no surprise. SamckDown’s play core is unmistakably similar to last year’s model but this time it’s surrounded by the greatest and possibly most libelous story ever told, your own.

WWE Story Designer is fantastic in a similar way to elements of the PC game The Movies and that’s to say it’s very impressive indeed. Scenes are built of dialogue and actions that come from a pool of 100 prescribed animations, dialogue can be written with a USB Keyboard should you want to speed up the script writing process, you can reposition the camera to frame your shots and, with a bit of imagination, the result can be too hilarious or, if you are dead inside, laboriously. The result can be uploaded to the internet for all to enjoy. Sweet.

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Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Even the biggest first person shooters are running scared of Modern Warfare 2, but Bad Company 2 seems to have everything going to be a genuine contender to Activation’s behemoth, although EA is still playing safe and holding out for an early release. Perhaps there are still concerns over the effectiveness of the single player campaign. The first game’s story about a rag-tag bunch of gold hunting squaddies was fun, yet hardly memorable in the same way players fondly recall Call of Duty 4’s sinking ship level or playing a dying solider as he takes his final breaths. Bad Company 2 catches up with the same squad, and it’ll take more than some more sweary banter for the single player to live long in the memory. It’s telling that whatever the sequel has been shown, it’s been the multiplayer campaign everyone has asked about.

And to be fair, it’s looking even better than before. In number crunching terms alone we’re looking at 15 vehicles, over 15,000 kit variations, and 46 weapons which can be customized to make an impressive 200+ guns. New vehicles include nippy ATVs, and the UH-60 transport chopper which ships four players into battle plus an extra tow manning its mounted railguns. Taking one of these down with a full six enemies inside is a massive coup.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Those Annoying Xbox 360 3 Red Lights

The point is that my Xbox 360 videogame console has brought me many hours of pleasure and entertainment. With a large range of games that appeal to some of my interests, it can make me glued my TV for hours. It is not rare for me to keep the AOS through the night because "I wanted to play just one game."

On the other hand, I was very disappointed with Microsoft, AOS services and straw that broke the camel, AOS is the time again I got the Xbox 360 3 red lights not working.

If you haven, AOT hear it, the Xbox 360 3 red light damage, also known as the "red ring of death," is a problem that prevents your Xbox 360 hardware. That, AOS so called because 3 of the 4 lights flash around the green start button is not red.

I still have a valid insurance at the time, so I've just sent me to Microsoft's Xbox 360. After 3 weeks of the last seemingly forever, finally I get it back and get back to playing again.

The problem is that only 2 months after that, I got the Xbox 360 3 red lights do not work anymore. It's very frustrating to have the same problem that should have been corrected. I sent me to Microsoft's Xbox 360 and I got it back after 3 weeks.

When I have a problem anymore just a few months later, I decided to call Microsoft and ask them why they didn, AOT repair my console right. The answer I get is "trying to not play DVDs."

At that moment I decided to do something about it. I have to spend time and money, but I talked to technicians and work with them so to learn how to solve the problem.

I was surprised at how little it takes to sell the Xbox 360 3 red lights. I'm a little scared at first because I was studying business administration at the school and has no experience in electronics. But I managed to learn how to solve them, and make general repairs and maintenance.

Now you can learn, too, without spending your time in the workshop. Just get the Xbox 360 repair guide that I put together with all the information I learned.

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Xbox 360, Preventive Maintenance Secrets That You Should Know About

We all know that Xbox 360 is an expensive game console platforms. This is why you will take all necessary precautions in order to prevent rupture and prevent the problems associated with other treatments such as the Xbox 360 so-called red ring of death. So, here are some tips that will help you avoid experiencing the red ring of death and also makes the Xbox 360 console games much longer last.

The first thing you need to know is that most people keep the Xbox 360 in a display cabinet to keep out of harm way. Some do this because it looks more beautiful. However, this is one of the main causes of overheating, which will cause the red ring of death and the constant freeze or hang while playing games.

You need to remember that the Xbox 360 a lot of heat, especially the processor in it. You need to get rid of the heat and keep cool game console. So, if you keep the Xbox 360 in a display cabinet, it might be time for you to get in the open. Always remember that you must let the air circulate on all sides of the Xbox 360. By doing this, you will be able to keep your game console cool and prevent the red ring of death.

Other preventive maintenance methods that you can do to prevent Xbox 360 from the release is to put the power brick on an open box. It may sound strange, but there are logical reasons for this. You may have noticed that the power brick of the Xbox 360 has a little fan inside. By placing it on the box is open, you will be able to efficiently pump air into and out of the power brick will remain cold or prevent it from overheating. By doing this, you will be able to stop the game from the continued freeze.

Always remember that you must always keep your Xbox 360 well-ventilated. Thus, you will prevent too much heat, which is the main cause of red ring of death and freezing.

Another method is to keep the dust out of the Xbox 360. For this, you can use contact cleaner. This will help in cleaning sensitive parts of the Xbox 360. Contact cleaner will remove dust effectively. Always remember that if dust accumulates on the Xbox 360, the air will not be able to keep the components, especially processors, cold enough to function properly.

By cleaning your Xbox 360 every now and then, you will be able to stay cool and ventilated, which will help in preventing clotting or red ring of death.

These are some preventative maintenance tips for the Xbox 360. Always remember that the proper way to keep the Xbox 360 is to maintain a well-ventilated to prevent overheating. You can do this by playing with the Xbox 360 at the open space, keeping the power brick well ventilated, and keeping it free from dust.

Through these tips, you can be sure that you will be able to enjoy playing with some of the most amazing Xbox 360 games for years to come.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Xbox 360, Tips to Avoid Overheating

Xbox 360 is an impressive piece of gaming technology. With quality graphics and realistic game play, it's really not surprising to see why people from all over the world have purchased and many units are sold throughout the world. In fact, since it was released in the market, millions of Xbox 360 game consoles have been sold worldwide.

However, even if the Xbox 360 offers high-quality game play experience, there are known technical problems associated with it. Usually, you will see a green light in front of the unit when operating normally. However, the Xbox 360 is known to get this light to turn red, which means that suffers from hardware failure.

Nearly a third of the units sold have suffered from the same failures and the number one cause is overheating.

Xbox 360 has his own cooling system that should be able to prevent the GPU and other components in the box to overheat. However, it happens and people dont really know why it happened. You need to understand that there are many factors that could cause overheating. Here are some ideas about why the Xbox 360 suffers from overheating when it really shouldn't because of the built-in cooling systems.

Many people want to put their Xbox 360 in a display cabinet and operate from there. Sure it looks much more tidy because there is no wire hanging in the living room, but you need to remember that the display cabinet is a closed space that will prevent the heat generated by the unit to disappear and be replaced by cool air.

So, avoid the Xbox 360 operating units in an enclosed space. As much as possible, always play with the Xbox 360 to be placed in well-ventilated area. This will help get the heat from the unit and also get cold air in the unit.

Another factor is the dust. You must remember that the dust can accumulate on the Xbox 360 and the cooling units and fans. This will make the Xbox 360 cooling system is inefficient and in some cases, the cooling system will stop working altogether because of the accumulation of dust.

To overcome this problem, try to get your Xbox 360 in and cleaned out regularly. This will prevent accumulation of dust, which will be able to prevent overheating.

Remember these tips and you can be sure that you will be able to protect the Xbox from the so-called red ring of death. Why buy a guide service or return your Xbox 360 to Microsoft to get it repaired when you can prevent from getting caught in the first place?

With proper care and by following these tips, you can be sure that you will be able to prevent your Xbox from overheating which can cause hardware failure and eventually red ring of death.

By preventing you from overheating Xbox 360, you will be able to save lots of money for repairs and also save a lot of time waiting to get it repaired. Also, you'll continue to enjoy playing with some of your favorite Xbox 360 games.

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Troubleshoot Audio / Video Connections

Technical Support, Display unclear when using Xbox 360 to the TV screen.

* Video / sound problems with the Xbox 360 Composite AV Cable.
* Audio issues with Xbox 360 S-Video AV Cable.

If you are having trouble connecting your system, try these possible solutions. There is no image or sound

1. Make sure that you have connected the appropriate AV cable. For connection instructions, see the audio / video connections page for the Xbox 360 ™ AV cable.

* Component HD AV Cable.
* Composite AV Cable.
* S-Video AV Cable.
* VGA HD AV Cable.

2. Verify that your TV or monitor is activated.
3. Select the video input on your TV or monitor your Xbox 360 console connected. Common names for video inputs include Input Select, AUX, Line In, Line, In, Input, Source, and EXT, depending on the TV or monitor. For more information, see the instruction manual for your TV or monitor. No High-Definition Output, If you try to view high definition images on high definition TV.

1. Make sure that the console at the end of HD Component AV Cable is set to HDTV.
2. Make sure your TV supports the HDTV settings in the Xbox Dashboard.

Sound by No Picture

1. Verify that your TV or monitor is activated.
2. Make sure the audio and video connectors are connected to the same input group on the back of your TV or monitor.
3. Make sure the television is set to display the input group into which the audio and video connectors are installed.

No Sound

1. Verify that your TV or monitor is activated.
2. Make sure the audio and video connectors are connected to the same input group on the back of your TV or audio / video surround receiver.
3. Make sure the TV or AV receiver has been set for the group to which the input audio and video connectors are installed.
4. If you are using an AV receiver, make sure you have connected an additional AV cable between the audio / video output from your receiver and the corresponding inputs on your TV or monitor. See your AV receiver's manual for details about the connection and a special cable types.

If you are using digital audio, make sure that

1. A TOSLINK digital audio cable connected between the Xbox 360 console and one of your AV receiver or your TV.
2. Your AV receiver, if connected, turned on.
3. Your AV receiver or TV set to receive digital audio input is correct.
4. Right audio output is set in the Xbox Dashboard.

For more information about connecting to digital audio, see Connect to Digital Audio. Poor Sound

1. If you experience poor sound while playing games, music CD, or DVD movie, clean the disk as shown in the Xbox 360 Warranty manual.
2. Make sure that you have connected the appropriate AV cable. For connection instructions, see the audio / video connections page for Xbox 360 AV cable.

* Component HD AV Cable.
* Composite AV Cable.
* S-Video AV Cable.
* VGA HD AV Cable.

3. For analog audio connections, select in the Xbox Dashboard an audio output supported by your system or TV: stereo or Dolby Surround for stereo speakers, mono for monaural speakers.
4. For digital audio connections, select only stereo or surround formats compatible with your system. Digital surround sound from DVD movies, select the appropriate surround format from the options presented in each DVD's audio menu. For games and movies, play Dolby Digital audio only on audio systems that support Dolby Digital and DTS audio plays only on systems that support DTS.
5. If the sound comes from just one speaker, make sure that all audio cables connected correctly.

For further info, usually you can find related information and many opinions in our forums. For a discussion of this topic, check Xbox Forums, Technical Issues.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Taking Xbox 360 Game Experience to Next Level

Playing video games is considered as one of the best entertainment you could ever do. seventh generation game console is now providing high-quality video game entertainment as before. This is not just about pressing the button with your thumb, but today's game is more realistic when it comes to interaction.

Xbox 360 is the best seventh-generation video game console ever go to the market. Not only that this game console will be able to offer high-quality graphics and game play, but there are also games that will be able to offer the highest level of interactivity. You'll see that you will be able to buy a controller specifically designed for a specific game and one of the latest controller that can provide maximum realism is the drum set, guitar, and microphone.

This controller is specifically designed for the game called Rock Band, which is only available exclusively for Xbox 360.

If you have a dream to become one of rock legends, the game Rock Band is a game for you. With this game, you can be a drummer, guitarist, bassist, or you can even become a singer. Xbox 360 Rock Band has a controller that will make playing with the band as real as possible.

If you want to know how it feels to be a rock legend with a wild crowd in front of the stage, this game is definitely for you. With Rock Band, you will be able to choose play equipment and play solo, or you can also have a jam session with your friends or even online using the Xbox 360 Live service.

This band will really come to life if you and your spouse to play together with your own Xbox. With setup complete, you will be able to control the world with rock and roll. Basically, you'll need the guitar and bass guitar, drum kit with four drum pads and the pedal bin basis and you will also need a microphone where you can belt from the legendary rock music.

The great thing about the game is that he will let you create avatars of yourself. You select a character. You can make them look like you or you can make them look like what you imagine if you are a rock star. You can select clothes for your character in the game, and also select the hair style and character of the instrument you want to play.

Rock Band is a game very similar to the Guitar Hero series. However, this particular game will have drums and a microphone that will make the experience a better shake. For drums, you must hit the appropriate drum pad. For singers, you just need to do what you do at karaoke. There will be words that rolled on the screen and you need to hit the right notes in order to score big points. So, you better practice they do re mi's as hitting a bum note will bring the value down and eventually will make you fail a song.

Rock Band is the party end of the game. You can invite your friends into your house and begin to shake off with Rock Band on Xbox 360.

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How It Is Different From Regular Playing Video Games

Playing with video game consoles are fun. This will take you to another world and must be able to give you a lot of fun. However, it can get a little lonely because most of the video game will only let you play with AI or artificial intelligence. However, today's game console is now much better as it allows you to play with others at the same time. This is particularly true for the Xbox 360 as there is now what is called the Xbox 360 Live.

Xbox 360 Live is a new concept in video games. Here, you will now be able to play with friends from different parts of the world with the same game. This huge Xbox 360 Live is that there are quite a lot of types of games you can play in it. One example of a very popular Xbox 360 game called Halo 2 Live and if you have not played with it, you'll be surprised what fun it will give you that you will never see video games the same way again.

So, just what is so special about the Xbox 360 Live?

As a fan of video games and serious gamers Xbox 360, Xbox Live offers 360 experiences that really changed the video game. This is not really about a different experience but you will see that the Xbox 360 Live will be able to get everything together and send them in one game.

Xbox 360 Live game will be able to let you communicate with your teammates in real time and sound. You need to get the headset to play and to be able to communicate with voice, you must have strong experience while playing games. You need to remember that communication is important in formulating a good strategy. With the Xbox 360 Live headset, you can be sure that you will be able to communicate with your friends in real time.

The great thing about the game for the Xbox 360 Live is that it is full of action that really will bring you in the game. You'll feel as if you are really part of the game and really experience the game. Not really about playing the game but more like really experience the game. That is the Xbox 360 Live is all about. With benefits like these you can be sure that you will be able to have a lot of fun playing with the game available for Xbox 360.

If you have not tried to play with the Xbox 360 Live games, then you lose a lot of fun. Once you've experienced the pleasure of the Xbox 360 Live can provide, it is guaranteed that you will spend hours playing games with some of the best games ever developed for the Xbox 360 Live. So, try subscription to the Xbox 360 Live and never lost the best gaming experience that console game has to offer.

Xbox 360 Live will be able to offer a variety of games for all kinds of people. Would you like to be a rock star, or a futuristic soldier, you can be sure that you will be able to find everything in the Xbox 360.

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Xbox 360 Live

Now that you have your very own Xbox 360, the next thing you want as a serious gamer the Xbox 360 is taking full advantage of what the Xbox 360 has to offer, which includes the Xbox 360 Live. what's new with the Xbox 360 Live that more and more people getting hooked to play with it?

First of all, you need to know that there are basically two types of Xbox 360 Live service. This is the silver and gold. By understanding what each one offers, you will be able to know which service you want to go and really take advantage of what the Xbox 360 has to offer.

The first service is the Xbox 360 Live Silver. Basically, this is a free version of the Xbox 360 Live services. This will allow you to easily play online and also find downloads for your game. In addition, you will be able to chat with other Xbox 360 players from all over the world using a headset and microphone. Basically, as you can talk with them by phone.

This is what the Xbox 360 Live Gold offers. If you plan to play games online, then you will not be able to do with this service. However, this allows you to play single player and you will not be able to get this until one week after gold subscribers. For serious gamers Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Live Gold is the only way to go. With the Gold service, you will be able to really experience what the Xbox 360 is all about.

Xbox 360 Live Gold has plenty of features that make online gaming and experience will not soon forget. When you subscribe to the Gold service, you will be able to create an account, which will allow you to create your online avatar. In addition, all the games you play online to be saved. You also can link your Xbox 360 in to your Facebook account to all your friends to see.

Great things about the Xbox 360 Live Gold is that it will allow you to play with a variety of games online with other people from different parts of the world. And, you will be able to talk with them via voice chat while you're playing the game. This is a great way to develop a strategy to defeat your opponent.

What's more is that there are games specifically designed for the Xbox 360 that will allow you to use a custom controller. For example, the game Rock Band will allow you to become a drummer, guitarist, a bassist, or even a vocalist with a special controller that you can buy at the nearest dealer Xbox 360. And, you can form a band online using the Xbox 360 Live Gold.

Another popular game is also available to play online. Whatever your taste, you can be sure that you will be able to find the right game that you can play online with Xbox 360. So, next time you plan to buy a console game, you may want to try to buy the Xbox 360. With features unique online gaming, you can be sure that you will be able to have tons of fun for hours.

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Why You Should Use a Mod Chip for Xbox 360 you

Xbox 360 is one of the most popular video game console ever went to the market today. And, people are still continue to buy one for themselves. Offers the best graphics and sound as well as a library of games, you can see why more and more people are buying the Xbox 360 and why until now, video game consoles are still very popular and still growing in popularity.

Because of the popularity of Xbox 360, there are some people who do things in order to make this machine more dynamic one. One of today's innovation is to make a backup copy of the Xbox 360 to play the game. You must remember that the new and the original Xbox 360 will not be able to play the disc. This video game console will only play the original game disc and expensive.

Now, as the Xbox 360 gamers are serious, you'll be playing with a particular game for hours. In fact, some people even play until late morning. This will place an expensive and original copy of the game risk getting scratched. And, in some cases, because the Xbox 360 is known to be very hot due to many hours playing games, game disks can even be roasted.

You need to remember that the Xbox 360 is known to be very hot. This is because the power and enhance gaming capabilities. If used for long periods of time, the console can become very hot and the heat can be more than enough to damage the game disc.

You know that the game disc for the Xbox 360 can be very expensive and you do not want to ruin it by making the cut. This is why you'll want to play with a cheap backup copy instead. However, because the Xbox 360 does not play or copy the game disk how you will be able to protect your original copy?

These days, you'll see that there is available modchips for the Xbox 360. The modchips will be able to protect the original copy of the disc with the game allows you to play Xbox 360 cheaper backup copies of your game. So, you really will not use a copy of your original game disc because you will only use your backup copy.

There are some modchips for the Xbox 360 is available now. Almost all of these modifications is a plug and play and easy to use. In most cases, will pass modchips Xbox 360 drive-key check for authentication.
No need for firmware reading or flashing of affecting the performance of the Xbox 360.

However, you always need to remember that you should always buy a modchip that one hundred percent compatible with the Xbox 360. Plus, you need to make sure that he will let you play with online multiplayer game play without the risk of getting blocked by the server.

With a modchip, you can be sure that you will be able to protect your Xbox 360 to play games with cheap copies of the game disc. This is a great way to protect the original copy and your expensive Xbox 360 games.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kids Games

Drawing the line between what is right and what is wrong is the responsibility of parents for their children. This also happens with the kinds of movies and television shows the children should watch and what not. But more importantly, responsibilities select games that kids really depend solely on parents. Because the children who want to play, play, and play again, providing them with toys and gadgets the kids is very important. And while studies show children who play more healthier than those who do not, it does not provide the freedom for children to play kind of game they like.

We live in a digital world, children are introduced with a video console that may be eating more of their time than they do the study. And protect them from the game that is not feasible at the age they become more difficult than before. And to make sure you provide them with children's games are appropriate, the ESRB consultation should help you decide.

To know which video games are appropriate for your child, consult with the ESRB rating is a wise choice. You can see the rating ESRD printed on each video game cover. Knowing the meaning of each is an important beginning. There are 7 ratings assigned by the ESRD or Entertainment Software Ratings Board. Here is their:

EC or the beginning of Children. The game is rated suitable for children aged 3 years and below to play. Games like that do not have content that can be harmful to the developing child.
Everyone. Everyone here is 6 years of age bracket and above. Types of games with this rating contain minimal violence with frequent mild language.
Every person 10 years and older man. Games with this rating are suggested for children 10 years and older and contains cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language and usage.

Teen. For children 13 years and older to play T rated match. These types of games involve more violence, minimal blood, the use of words strong, and rude humor.
Mature. Games with this rating suitable for ages 17 years and over. Adult game is not for the kids to it have a graphical display of violence, sexual content, blood and gore, and the use of strong language.

Only adults. Games with this rating should not be played by children. It is intended for adult players as they often show blood and gore, violence, use of the words powerful, and graphic display of sexual content including nudity. Pending rated. This rating is given to the game waiting for the final assessment.

Children's play should only restrict video games with EC, E, E10 and maybe ratings. Each game without these ratings should be avoided. If you have a game that you think appropriate to their age, put it in areas where they can not access it. Playing the right game for children must be worn at all times. This will ensure that they get the right game in relation to their age.

Children's games let children enjoy their play time at the same time providing them with entertainment and a place to learn. And with children's games around, you're safe to leave them in front of their own console without worrying so much the content of the game.

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Troubleshoot Your Xbox 360 HD DVD Player

You have problems with the Xbox 360 HD DVD Player, try the possible solutions provided below.

* No Power
* Red Light on Eject Button
* No Picture or No Sound
* Less Picture or sound
* Disc Tray Not Open
* HD DVD Features Not Working
* Remote Does not Work

Confirm that you have the proper resources, and check the connections at both the outlet and players. Confirm that your player is connected to your console and that console is activated.

To open the tray when the unit does not have the power, insert the paper clip end into the player's hand-out hole. Red Light on Eject Button

If the status light on the key players pulled out the red, the players have been too hot and will not work until cooled. Repositioning of players in an open location to improve air flow. The player will automatically activate when cool enough to continue operations. No Picture or No Sound

Make sure the HD DVD player USB cable and AV cable to connect both consoles properly. If the player and connect to the Xbox 360 console and you can not see or hear the content of the program, see your Xbox 360 AV cable setup manual or instructions. Poor Picture or sound

Clean the disc as instructed in the Xbox 360 Warranty Manual. Check AV connection. Disc Tray Not Open Check the connection of power players. Turn on the player by turning on your console. HD DVD Features Not Working

Some HD DVD and DVD does not support all Xbox 360 HD DVD Player's playback features, such as subtitles, multiple audio tracks, a point of view, slow-motion play, and advanced interactive content. For more information about supported features, see the documentation disc producer. In rare cases, some HD DVD or DVD may not operate properly. This is mainly due to variations in the manufacturing process or software encoding from HD DVD or video software DVD. Remote Does not Work

If you experience problems with the remote control, make sure the batteries are still fresh by testing the remote with new batteries. If you are sure the battery is good, try to remove the battery from the remote, pressing all buttons twice, and then replace the battery. If you are still having trouble:

* Make sure that you use the remote distance of 10 meters from the console's infrared sensor.
* Point the remote directly at the console's infrared sensor adjacent to the memory unit slot A.
* Check to make sure that the console's infrared sensor is not blocked or covered.
* Make sure the signal from the remote at the infrared receiver on the console is not blocked by solid objects, such as furniture or a door.
* Close curtains and blinds during daylight hours to minimize ambient infrared.
* Some third-party faceplates affect the performance of the console's infrared sensor. If you use one, replace the original console faceplate and try to use the remote again.

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Common Xbox 360 Problems That You Should Know About

Xbox 360 is one of the most popular video game console that ever hit the world today. Performance wise, this particular gaming console offers only the best. From this graph to experience the game offers, you will see that this video game consoles can satisfy even the most discriminating gamers out there.

Although the Xbox 360 video game console is great, there is a problem commonly associated with it. By knowing about the common problems that people experience with the Xbox 360, you'll be able to tell if you are also experiencing it and also tell you if it can be repaired or not. Hardware problems associated with the Xbox 360 can range from red-light DVD problems error problem. In most cases, there are basically 3 types of light problem you will see on the Xbox 360.

When you see the green light, it means that it operates normally. However, if you see a red light, it will show that the Xbox 360 has a problem.

1 red light error means the E74 error, 2 red light error means too hot and the 3 red light error means general hardware failure. The main problem in the Xbox 360 will appear as a red light on the power button when you activate the game console.

If you see 1 red light error message on the screen will usually also appear. 1 red light error will mean that E74 error. This error basically means that the scaler chip has been burned. Scaler chip is responsible for dealing with graphical capabilities of Xbox 360 games. If you have this error, it is wise to contact the support center for the Xbox 360 and let them know about it. There is a good chance that they will let you submit your Xbox 360 back for repair.

If you see 2 red lights on the power button, it will mean that you are the Xbox 360 overheating. You can easily solve this problem by turning off your video game console, and let it cool down for a while. However, you may also want to try and prevent overheating as this may cause the failure of hardware or also called the 3 red lights error.

Try to clear your Xbox 360 in and out when hot. This will make the dust out of your game console and prevent it from overheating. Also, try to play with the Xbox 360 games with the Xbox 360 game console in a well-ventilated area.

For the 3 red lights error, it will mean that you have serious problems with the Xbox 360. This would mean that the Xbox 360 you suffer from a general hardware failure and will require you to ship it to Microsoft to get it repaired. You'll also see a red light 4. This is not really something to worry about because it may only AV cable is improperly installed in. Check the AV cable and you will usually work.

When the Xbox 360 you are not able to read your Xbox game disc, you'll see that this problem is basically caused by overheating. For this problem, you need to get Microsoft to fix it by sending units back to them.
These are some common problems experienced with the Xbox 360. With care and proper maintenance, you will be able to prevent the mentioned problems and to continue enjoying your favorite Xbox 360 games.

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Top 3 Tips to Get Rid of the Xbox 360 Blinking Red Light Problem

Usually it will take several weeks or months for the console to get repaired if it is sent to Microsoft Corporation. Here you can find some good tips to get it repaired as quickly as possible.

1. If a red light on the front console of your problem may be that the failure of hardware. The red light of a request from the Xbox 360 red lights flashing problems can be resolved at home when this happens. Just remove all the cables are attached to the console and then connect them back. If the problem is with the hard drive and then delete and move on to the console. By doing this task, you can ensure that the problem is limited only to the hard drive.

2. On the other hand, if the two red lights flashing on the console reason too hot probably because of the device. You may have to wait for hours to let the unit cool. Xbox 360 two red lights problem is another variation of the Xbox 360 flashing red lights problem that may take several hours to find a solution for it. Verify whether the fans in the unit functioning properly. Ensure that ventilation is available. Repeat the steps above if the problem persists.

3. The third issue red light flashes red lights Xbox 360 is the task becomes much easier if you have little knowledge of hardware. The main cause of the problem is audio-visual cables. You need to check whether the cable is connected properly before you start with the steps in question. Sometimes the system will not be able to detect the cable. In the two cases above is wise to call the customer service agent rather than dealing with his own.

These are some of the best solution to fix Xbox 360 flashing red lights problem, which can help you get it and walk back.

Are you a person facing the Xbox 360 flashing red lights problem? If so, then you can fix any problems themselves, by following the instructions in the Xbox 360 Fix Blog, complete online guide to the game console.

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Buy Cheap Gears of War 2 Xbox 360

The greatest thing about the new game is that the game is designed with a fresh new look, which took the entire gaming experience to a new level. There are more new weapons and better to deal with more power grenades. Melee attacks are stronger in the works, and visual effects like no you never seen before.

You can enjoy with your friends, that Gears Of War 2, which has been released with an interesting multiplayer mode. Besides coming to be handled is a matter of support out of the dealer and independent.
Among the old things that still keep this game interesting is the action that Gears is a trademark of Gears of War series and especially loved by all the same, however.

First Gears of War game really in the category of traditional action game, packed with great graphics. Its cinematic presentations together with the cover system is challenged to create amazing effects. Part of the series premiere debut several new and different weapons and a new brand to deal with criminals.

Importance of a more lethal weapon felt, only to come face to face with enemy forces far higher than what they were before. Previous version contained a very different environment from this new use now.
Never less, the experience of struggle has not changed. If you see it from the perspective of an old game, experience a bit more powerful and sweeping the mind. In Gears of War 2, the campaign mode about 10 hours long and very entertaining. You will not be able to go without losing or the game ends.

The design is very well thought of and no order to stop and pop gunplay combined with some very striking epic confrontation. In addition, many situations are invented ingenious included for your enjoyment.
The best is yet to come. Games in Gears of War 2 offers a multiplayer coating which offers the necessary upgrades. Ten maps and modes have been added so that as many as ten people may play at the same time.

10 players is increased compared with 8 players who used the previous version. So this series will help you to play with my friends and act as a team to land Horde. The duration of the game is also justified because it is for video game console has sold more than one million copies with no shortage of multi-player friend of a friend.

The Gears of War 2 game to purify his actions more than innovate and here lies the core of its success. This is the most appropriate game for any fans collection and is the best of all games are available for the Xbox 360.

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How to Open Your Xbox 360 Correctly

If you open your Xbox 360 immediately cancel your warranty, Microsoft said, if you make any kind of modification you could be banned from Xbox live for life and a clear violation of Microsoft's Xbox policy terms and conditions. How to properly open the Xbox 360:

Equipment you must:
T8 and T10 size torx screwdriver
Flat head screwdriver
Philips screwdriver
Knife or paper clip for unlocking the console chassis
Roll of paper towels
Cup for screws or adhesive tape to label them

First, be sure to turn off the Xbox 360 and remove all cables strap attached to delete hard drive and place the console somewhere in positions that can be done.

Remove the front cover with a simple squeeze to open each one, once you remove the front cover in you'll need a knife or paper clip to open the clip now holds the console shell together, there are five clips that you need to unlock with a paper clip or a knife to breathe through a hole in your console.

Flip your console and remove more than five clamps that hold the lower lid together, after you remove the bottom cover on the top of the shell, repeat the process with the lid up.

Furthermore, there will be 6 clips located on the back of the console that you also have to click to loosen up, there are also three clamps that you need to click as well. Once you get all the loose clamp is clicked you can gently pull the console two and a half's apart.

Once you have removed your shell, then you can take the T10 size torx screwdriver and remove the ascending sekrupsek.

That's all there is to it, the first time you try this can be a little headache or very intimidating, but it is very easy, but for whatever reason you take apart your Xbox 360, this guide will help you. Fix Xbox 360 Problems Find out how to fix something wrong with your Xbox 360 quick & easy.

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Fix Xbox 360 No Video Errors

While most gamers are quite aware of the "red ring of death" problem that affects about one in three Xbox 360 console, and also less common, but still problematic e74 error, Xbox 360 no video problem is much more rarely discussed. This is much more difficult to obtain advice, assistance, and to fix the problem.

In this article you will learn what is causing the problem, and how you can try to solve the Xbox 360 no video errors and get back to playing your favorite games once again. You do not need to buy all new Xbox 360 console, you do not have to spend large sums of money to pay someone else to carry out repairs for you.

Basically, the Xbox 360 no video problem is caused by a failure in the graphics processor on the system console, when the graphics processor fails, your console can not display video. This is caused by excess levels of heat causing "X" clamp on the back of the motherboard that will come loose, causing the relationship between the motherboard and graphics processor unit (GPU) to come loose. Actual cause of the problem is not complicated, and it is definitely a problem repaired as well.

Basically, in order to fix your Xbox 360 you must open your console, remove the motherboard, and tighten it back to "X" brace in the back of the motherboard so that the GPU is connected to the right again. You will need a little concerned with this process to avoid any damage, so even though it sounds simple enough it will take you about an hour to fix your Xbox 360.

To make the process as easy as possible is highly advisable that you invest in the Xbox 360 repair guide, this one will show you the steps you need to take to be correct there are no errors on your Xbox 360 video in more detail. You may feel a bit hard to preform surgery Xbox 360 without one, unless you have special knowledge of electronics.

You should look for the Xbox 360 repair guide that offers video repair instructions, because it's like having someone right in front of you, walk you through the process you need to follow to fix your console. You can not buy a repair manual without step-by-step video, such as written instructions are not just good enough.

Do not waste your time seeing the low quality improvement guidelines, click the link below to learn more about how to fix Xbox 360 no video error with one of the best repair guide available. Get a big discount, as well as improving video quality is very good instruction.

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In 1980 the little known by the name of the distributor Midway released a game destined to become one of the greatest arcade classics of all time. Developed by Namco, Pacman is a maze game where a player navigates Pac-man, yellow figures, through a maze eating pills and avoiding ghosts.

Pacman has undeniably had a significant impact on the video game industry. Until Pacman, video games were almost exclusively "Space Shooters" - a game where a player controls a space craft that had shot something. Pacman was the first game to come out of the model and be very successful. Since then, video games have a fairly diversified and growing into new areas and creative.

Pacman's name comes from a Japanese phrase loosely translated into Pakupaku "he ate". This game originally released under the name of Puck Man in Japan, but when the game was picked up by Midway will be released in the United States whose name was changed to Pacman because of fear of vandalism that may be caused by the Americans in the arcade and will include scratching P to F in a Japanese "Puck Man".

The first known "Pacman perfect game", in which a player must complete all 255 levels, collecting all the bonuses and never captured by the ghost, played by Billy Mitchell in 1999. Billy set the record at the local arcade in New Hampshire while using strategies to improvise all 6 hours of playing games and do not use repeating patterns or tactics.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Experience Real Fun with Xbox 360

You like to play with video games, then you must have a lot of fun with the Xbox 360. Not only that he will let you play with some of the most popular game titles in the world, but this particular game console will really let you experience what the actual game.

Xbox 360 is the seventh generation gaming console that has sold like hotcakes ever since it was introduced in the market. In fact, even before it was released in the market, this video game console is one of the most anticipated by the gaming enthusiasts around the world.

Currently, the Xbox 360 is the most popular gaming console ever. The great thing about the Xbox 360 is that the library has a variety of games available. Whatever you like in the game, you can be sure that you will be able to find it available for the Xbox 360. Whether it is the children's games, action games, sports games, racing games, and even online games, you will be able to play with the Xbox 360.

Another great thing about the Xbox 360 is that it can let you play online with some popular games titles are available today. There's even a wireless headset that you will be able to use when you play online to communicate with other players from around the globe.

All you need to do is subscribe to the Xbox 360 Live Gold. With this subscription, you'll be able to play with the hottest Xbox 360 games online and also download stuff from the Internet using the Xbox 360. With a variety of Xbox 360 games you can play online via Xbox Live 360.

Some games are available for the Xbox 360 has a special controller that will let you really experience the game's realism. Apart from the realistic graphics, you can take advantage of a specially designed controller that will let you experience the thrill of the game.

For example, in a racing game, you can buy a joystick-like steering wheel complete with gas and brake pedal and shift paddles. For aircraft simulation games and the dog fighting game, you can buy some popular joysticks for the Xbox 360. This will become so real that you'll almost feel the G-force as you do these high-speed change in the flight simulation game.

There are even dance pads and game controllers even resembling that of the guitar, drums and even microphones. As you can see, you can never go wrong with the Xbox 360. By combining the features of the virtual world with the real world, you can really experience what the game is all about. With Xbox 360, you not only play the game, but you will really experience the game itself.

No more boring game where you only need to press the buttons on the controller, but with innovative Xbox 360 controller, you'll really experience what it's like flying a fighter plane, play drums or guitar in a rock concert live, and even experience what it feels was in a car seat.

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Cheap price of Xbox 360 , Best Xbox360 Console Deals

I think this may be a strategy to attract some of Sony's new buyer had a secret ready to be unveiled. Although the reason, the Xbox is now the most interesting console game on the financial markets talk.
This will be very interesting if Sony will accept the challenge and will lower the price of their PS3 console fans around the world that offers a wonderful Christmas gift.

Now, the price tag on the Xbox 360 is $ 299.99 but the same price on the PS3 console will be a strong real winner. Latest news announced new prices for the month of September and if we are lucky this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship between console manufacturers and enthusiasts worldwide.

With affordable prices for the console people will buy more accessories everyday not to mention that some gamers may even have some of the console. he will become the dream of every buyer. If you are looking to find the best deals available, you can find some interesting offers online. The Internet is your best friend when it comes to gaming gadgets. You can buy the full game package for several hundred dollars in just a few minutes.

One of the best sites to buy cheaper online xbox360 console is ebay. There are thousands of auctions xbox 360 on ebay at a time and selling price of the average for the xbox360 is usually between $ 120 - $ 200. as much as 70% discount. Of course, you must do your homework and make sure the ebay seller legit. You can check the seller feedback ratings and reviews, and contact the seller.

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Top 10 Best Xbox 360 Games

With the arrival and adaptation of advanced technologies, the current console can provide the best entertainment to the players.
However, there is no console will be as famous if no one is pathbreaking title to make full use of the console features. Here is a brief list of ten Xbox 360 games.

'Gears of War' is a game that had driven the opposition. This game is a collaboration of Epic Games and Microsoft Games, and two gaming companies have come out with a bad winner who displays outstanding graphics, game play interesting and unusual sound effects.
The game has a player as a former soldier who has been branded as traitors and therefore has been locked. However, soldiers are not released to fight the new enemy of humanity and civilization locust.

Although the game has a small number of common weapon in any third person or over-the-shoulder shooter, he has some weapons that are guaranteed to give players more bang for the responsibility. Players not only can shoot with guns, they can also be used as melee weapons when the enemy is at close range.

As far as tactical shooters go, Rainbow Six is always a name for the account. So, when Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas for Xbox 360 out in shops, it will prove to be one of the best games for the Xbox.
Rainbow Six Vegas is based in Las Vegas, in which three soldiers had to limit terrorist antics, when they began to attack the casinos in Vegas for some unknown reason.

'Guitar Hero II' for Xbox once again proves that computer games are not just about killing, maiming, or save the world once again. The concept of the game, and playing music that makes it one of the best games for the Xbox. These features added content and updated list of songs for the Xbox version. With a few small changes in the interface, the songs

list of songs from the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith and others. 'Guitar Hero II''also has some original soundtrack.
'Call of Duty 2' is a sequel to the critical recognized 'Call of Duty'. The game is set during the second world war. The game's fastest selling game in the first week of release, selling more than 250,000 titles.

"Saints Row" has been regarded as the next level of Grand Theft Auto fun. The game features the player as a new recruit into a street gang, this game has an action shooter, racing and hands to feel ombat game.
'Dead Rising' is another controversial game by Capcom for Xbox 360. Intense Screening of the game makes it one of the best games for the Xbox. Adventure game features Frank West, a photojournalist, who accidentally found himself trapped in a town full of zombie fiction, 'Willamete' in Colorado. The game is as violent and bloody as one of the previous Campcom title.

Another unique game for the Xbox 360 is 'Enchanted Arms'. Sci-fi role-playing game playing game for the Xbox 360. Adventure game features two students who were learning to be enchanters.
'Battlefield 2, Modern Combat' is one of the best games for the Xbox 360. The game features an updated graphics, games and many other updated features. Xbox features three new maps, new vehicles and better game play.

'Test Drive Unlimited' is an arcade style racing game for the Xbox 360. Having more than one hundred licensed cars and motorcycles, supported by about a thousand kilometers from the area made from the island of Hawaii. Satellite imagery has been used to create the world in this racing game. Some models in the game is Chevrolet, Ford, Ferrari.

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Xbox 360 Controller Rapid Fire Mod

Xbox 360 serious gamer, you will need special equipment for you to print big points. With the rapid fire mod for Xbox 360, you'll have an advantage over opponents during online play as the controller will change to whatever weapons to automatic weapons when you press the fire button.

Another great advantage of rapid fire controller mod for the Xbox 360 is that it will make an automatic weapon that is more accurate because it will help eliminate a lot of fear your firearm. This particular controller mod will be able to allow you to shoot weapons that normally require you to press the R trigger again and again at a level much faster. In fact, it will make you much faster than the average person.

With rapid fire controller mod for the Xbox 360, you'll be eliminating your opponent out of the competition at a much faster and easier. Controller mod worked for most of the hottest games for the Xbox 360, such as Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Halo 2 and 3, and even for the hugely popular Call of Duty 4 and Unreal Tournament 3.

You may have noticed, the above mentioned game is a shooting game where winning means faster. With rapid fire controller mod, you can be sure that it will be able to help you win the game you play on the Xbox 360.

You need to remember that these things are not available in the market. However, it can be made by people who are useful in electronics. if you know a bit about soldering and the electronic, you can even create your own and even make money from as many gamers out there want to have an advantage.

Although you can do this yourself, you might want to remember that if you are unfamiliar with the controller and the things you need to solder in the Xbox 360 controller, you may want to consider to leave to professionals. They will be able to convert the controller to controller rapid fire mod in a short time and also make it much more efficient.

As you can see, has a quick fire controller mod for the Xbox 360 you will give your opponent credit for. With this controller, you can be sure that you will be able to win almost every game you play. Would you like to play online with other people or offline by yourself, rapid fire mode controller will be able to help you win games and score more points.

If you want to have a tool where you will have the advantage over your opponent in a Xbox 360 game, you might want to consider to get a quick fire controller mod made specifically for you. With this controller, you can be sure that victory will always be with you.

Remember these tips and you will be able to have something to brag about next time you play online with your Xbox 360 with your friends.

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